The ministries of the Service/Social Concern commission, as followers of Christ, endeavor to live out our faith in the world by serving our brothers and sisters, by working for greater justice and peace in our church, in our community, and in the world.
The ministries of this commission work to meet the basic needs of those who are hungry, ill, aging, and homeless. This work is accomplished through individual efforts, parish groups and interfaith organizations and networks.
Bereavement Ministry -
Eileen Hofer
Boy Scout Club Pack 444 -
Ramon Barcia
(951) 464-0661
Couples For Christ & Family Ministries -
David & Thelma Fernandez
Encuentro Matrimonial -
Manuel y Elia Acosta
(726) 228-4063
Grupo de Apoyo Psicologia -
Yolanda Martinez
(951) 679-4531
Knights of Columbus -
Vic Zambrano
(619) 952-3297
Legion of Mary -
Zee Woodland
(951) 679-4531
Pro-Life Ministry -
Sharon Fullilove
Promotres Vocacionales -
Alberto y Daisy Monroy
(951) 534-6295
Scrip -
Judy Vega
(951) 818-9479
Security Ministry -
Jason Gonzales
(951) 679-4531
Serra Club -
(951) 679-4531
“What you did for the least of these, you did for me.”
ļ»æMt. 24:40