The ministries of the Prayer and Worship Commission work together as one body, united in heart and mind, and faithful to the Constitution of Sacred Liturgy. Members are fully dedicated to assist in the celebration of Holy Mass and other liturgical services so that it leads to conscious, active, and full participation of the faithful community of St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church.
Endeavors are made to provide a welcoming and loving environment, so that various groups, including visitors, feel a warm embrace as they enter our church. We are aware and sensitive to the need to have our spiritual activities reflect the wealth of Catholic heritage and diverse cultures within our parish, to enhance the environment and further support the flourishing of people’s spiritual life, both on individuals and on the entire faith community.
Adoration -
Mary Ransom
(505) 328-2647
Altar Servers -
Maya Cervantes
(951) 679-4531
Church Environment -
Cora Payad
(951) 679-4531
Extraordinary Ministers, Mass -
English - Frances Brightly
(951) 672-6878
Spanish - Susana Badillo
(951) 522-3862
Extraordinary Ministers, Homebound (Eng. / Span.)
Gil Barragan
(951) 679-4531
Funeral Coordinator -
Nena Navarro
(310) 749-6152
Hospitality - Ushers (English / Spanish)
English - Judy Vega
(951) 818-9479
Spanish - Jose Padilla
(951) 640-8189
Music Director -
Corazon Paraan
(951) 325-5488
Readers (English / Spanish)
English - Esther Martinez
(951) 283-7849
Spanish - Eliud Tovar
(951) 217-0195
Sacristans -
Juan Linan
(951) 679-4531
Wedding Coordinator -
Nena Navarro
(310) 749-6152
Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “God’s Messiah.”
Luke 9: 18-20