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St. Vincent Ferrer is somewhere on our website!!!

 Where can he possibly be?

We have placed an Icon of St. Vincent somewhere on the pages of our website.

If you find him click the icon and you can enter your name and Mass you normally attend and we will contact you to see what prize you have won!

Hint! - We think we might have seen him checking out our

Upcoming Events Page!!!

He will appear like this....

Sacrament of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick


In the Church's Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of the priest, it is Jesus who touches the sick to heal them from sin – and sometimes even from physical ailment.

His cures were signs of the arrival of the Kingdom of God. The core message of his healing tells us of his plan to conquer sin and death by his dying and rising.

A careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient.

When the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is given, the hoped-for effect is that, if it be God's will, the person be physically healed of illness. But even if there is no physical healing, the primary effect of the Sacrament is a spiritual healing by which the sick person receives the Holy Spirit's gift of peace and courage to deal with the difficulties that accompany serious illness or the frailty of old age.

taken from USCCB

Upcoming Calendar Events

*The following Church Calendar below is updated every Friday and is Subject to Change



6:30am Sunday Mass in Church

8am Family Fun Fair 2024 in STVF Hall All Rooms Parking Lot

8:15am Sunday Mass in Church

10am Sunday Mass in Church

12pm Sunday Mass in Church

2pm Spanish Mass in Church

5pm Sunday Mass in Church

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7am Family Fun Fair in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

8am Mass in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion Choir Practice in Church Library

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8am Mass in Church

9:30am Grupo de Apoyo Psicologia con Jesus in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

6:30pm Estudio De Biblia En Espanol in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

6:30pm Bereavement Ministry in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion in Church

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8am Mass in Church

9am Legion of Mary in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

9am Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

12pm Spanish Mass in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Youth Confirmation in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

6:30pm Spanish Hospitality Ministers in St. Martha Room

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8am Mass in Church

11am Funeral in Church

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Adoration Ministry Meeting in Church Library

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

7pm Knights of Columbus Council 7846 Meeting in St. Martha Room

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8am Mass in Church

8:30am Exposition Of The Blessed Sacrament

9am Library Ministry in Church Library

12pm Funeral in Church

5pm Blessing of the Animals by Fountain Area

6pm Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament (Adoration) in Church

6:30pm Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

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8am Mass in Church

9am Quinceanera Retreat in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

9am Library Ministry in Church Library

4pm Vigil Mass

5:30pm Vigil Mass

7pm Spanish Vigil Mass

Show all


6:30am Sunday Mass in Church

8:15am Sunday Mass in Church

9am Childrens Liturgy of The Word (CLOW) in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

9:15am Religious Education in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

10am Sunday Mass in Church

12pm Sunday Mass in Church

1pm Filipino Ministry Meeting in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

1:30pm 2 PM Mass Overflow in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

2pm Spanish Mass in Church

5pm Sunday Mass in Church

6:30pm Youth Ministry in STVF Hall All Rooms

Show all


8am Mass in Church

11am Funeral in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Family Fun Fair 60th Anniversary Meeting iin St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion Choir Practice in Church Library

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9:30am Grupo de Apoyo Psicologia con Jesus in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Baptism Class in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

6:30pm Bereavement Ministry in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion in Church

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9am Legion of Mary in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

9am Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

12pm Spanish Mass in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Youth Confirmation in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

Show all


8am Mass in Church

10am Funeral in Church

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

6:30pm Community Life Commission Meeting in St. John Paul Room

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8am Mass in Church

9am Library Ministry in Church Library

10am Funeral in Church

5:30pm Youth Ministry Hospitality Training in Church

6:30pm Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

6:30pm Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

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8am Mass in Church

9am Legion of Mary in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

9am Childrens Story Time and Crafts in Church Library

10am Misioneros con Jesus y Maria in St. Martha Room

1pm Wedding (Mendivil - Gonzalez) in Church

4pm Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico Reunion de Ambientacion (Jovenes) in STVF Hall All Rooms

4pm Vigil Mass

5:30pm Vigil Mass

7pm Spanish Vigil Mass

Show all


6:30am Sunday Mass in Church

7am Knights of Columbus Council 7846 Pancake Breakfast in St.. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

8:15am Sunday Mass in Church

10am Sunday Mass in Church

11:15am Couples for Christ CLP Ministry Meeting in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

12pm Sunday Mass in Church

1:30pm 2 PM Mass Overflow in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

2pm Spanish Mass in Church

2:30pm Filipino Ministry Fellowship in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

3:15pm Religious Education Eucharist Family Sessions in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

3:30pm Tagalog Mass in Church

5pm Sunday Mass in Church

5pm Youth Ministry (St. Dymphas Workshop) in STVF Hall All Rooms

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8am Mass in Church

6:30pm Religious Education Eucharist Family Sessions in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

6:30pm Liturgical Meeting in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

6:30pm Spanish Hospitality Ministers Meeting in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion Choir Practice in Church Library

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9:30am Grupo de Apoyo Psicologia con Jesus in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

11am Funeral in Church

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4pm Ministry of Lectors in English in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Estudio De Biblia En Espanol in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

6:30pm Bereavement Ministry in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion in Church

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9am Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

9am Legion of Mary in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

12pm Spanish Mass in Church

3pm Sacred Hearts Secular Branch Ministry in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Youth Confirmation in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

6:30pm Ministry Commission Council Meeting in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

6:30pm Security Ministry in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Hispano in Church Library

Show all


8am Mass in Church

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4pm Ministry of Lectors in English in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Extraordinary Ministers (Spanish) Meeting in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

7pm Knights of Columbus Council 7846 Officers Meeting in St. Martha Room

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9am Library Ministry in Church Library

10:30am Funeral in Church

6pm Religious Education in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

6:30pm Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

7pm Ministerio Guadalupano Ministry Meeting in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

Show all


8am Mass in Church

8:30am Pro-Life Ministry Meeting in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

8:30am Youth Confirmation in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

9am Library Ministry in Church Library

11am Ministerio de Lectores en Espanol Meeting in St. Patrick Room

11am English Baptism in Church

1pm Spanish Baptism in Church

4pm Vigil Mass

5:30pm Vigil Mass

7pm Spanish Vigil Mass

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6:30am Sunday Mass in Church

7am Extraordinary Ministers (Spanish) Food Sale in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

7:30am Filipino Ministry Donut Event in Church Patio

8:15am Sunday Mass in Church

9am Childrens Liturgy of The Word (CLOW) in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

9:15am Religious Education in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

10am Sunday Mass in Church

11:15am Couples for Christ CLP Ministry Meeting in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

12pm Sunday Mass in Church

1:30pm 2 PM Mass Overflow in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

2pm Spanish Mass in Church

3:30pm Ministerio Hispano in Parking Lot

5pm Sunday Mass in Church

6:30pm Young Adults Ministry in STVF Hall All Rooms

Show all


8am Mass in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

6:30pm Family Fun Fair 60th Anniversary Meeting iin St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion Choir Practice in Church Library

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9:30am Grupo de Apoyo Psicologia con Jesus in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

6:30pm Bereavement Ministry in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

6:30pm Estudio De Biblia En Espanol in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

7pm El Milagro De Senor Grupo de Oracion in Church

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9am Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

9am Legion of Mary in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

12pm Spanish Mass in Church

3pm Sacred Hearts Secular Branch Ministry in Church

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Youth Confirmation in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

7pm Chamorro Ministry Meeting in the OLG Room

Show all


8am Mass in Church

12pm Talleres De Oracion y Vida in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

4:45pm Religious Education in Church Library STVF Hall All Rooms

6:30pm Ministerio Guadalupano Christmas Play Practice in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

Show all


8am Mass in Church

9am Library Ministry in Church Library

11am Red Cross Blood Drive in St. Vincent Ferrer Hall

6:30pm Scripture Study Ministry in STVF Hall SMT SJP Rooms

6:30pm Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico Youth Meeting in St. Martha St. Patrick Rooms

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8am Mass in Church

9am Pro-Life Bulletin Stuffing in Our Lady of Guadalupe Room

9am Childrens Story Time and Crafts in Church Library

Show all








What does that mean?
St. Vincent Ferrer is staffed by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, an order that is dedicated to the ministry of reconciliation

¿Qué significa eso?
San Vicente Ferrer cuenta con el personal de los Misioneros de Nuestra Señora de La Salette, una orden que se dedica al ministerio de la reconciliación

 Welcome to 

St. Vincent Ferrer 

 Catholic Church! 

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Mass Times


Faith Formation

Youth Ministry

Stop by the parish office for a registration packet or call the office at (951) 679-4531
Pase a la oficina parroquial por un paquete de registro o llame la oficina al (951) 679-4531
Contact the parish office at (951) 679-4531. 
(6) months prior to the proposed marriage date.

Anointing of the Sick:
Call the parish office at (951) 679-4531 and /or leave a message on our Emergency Sick Number.

Stay in touch with the events in and around our church

Our Resource Center  

Click Below For More Information

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil Masses:
4:00 PM - English Vigil
5:30 PM - English Vigil 
7:00 PM - Spanish Vigil 

Sunday Masses:
6:30 AM -   English
8:15 AM -    English
10:00 AM - English 
Celebrating with the Children 
All Are Welcome
12:00 Noon - English 
2:00 PM -        Spanish
5:00 PM -        English
Celebrating with the Youth
All Are Welcome
3:30 PM -      Tagalog  
(Every Second Sunday of the Month)
Daily Mass:
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM - English
 12:00 Noon - Spanish 

Saturday: Begins at 9:00 AM
*Limit 60 people
Parish Office Hours:

Mon - Wed:
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Lunch (CLOSED) 
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Closed On:
Weekends & Holidays



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